desert rain

It started raining lightly yesterday, and rained lightly-but-steadily through the night. There was a flash-flood warning in Yuma, the biggest/nearest town. People are always surprised to hear of floods and drowning in the desert but it definitely happens. Newbies sometimes camp in arroyos because they feel protected from the elements and observation. But those low spots can flood violently during rain and people die every year.

There was enough rain overnight that there was a couple inches of water in Muffin’s food bowl and a bit of standing water:

If I hadn’t recently increased water storage I’d have been trying to catch some of the rain.

Here’s the official entrance, with the camper in the background:

Near the entrance sign was a bisected/4way sign:

I opened the US Public Lands app to get a view of the spot. In this shot BLM land is orange and Fish and WIldlife land is crayon blue.

the saguaro are swollen with water

Published by frater jason

Full-time boondocker, usually in the American Southwest.

One thought on “desert rain

  1. Update: around noon it went from full overcast to partly cloudy. This was enough to get us to Vabs by 1pm. Even if conditions hold or improve there’s probably not enough time at Vabs to get truly charged (acceptance <= C/175, or ~1.75A for this bank). After 1.5hrs of Absorption the bank is still slurping 7A.

    Still, the excess power (theoretical production under present conditions minus loads minus charging) means there is enough extra to get various doodads charged up. Chargey chargey chargey!


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